Boy of color with basketball with Black male adult; Text says Join bet365体育在线投! 我们可以一起采取行动,创造改变.
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创伤 Sensitive Yoga is changing lives in the Middle East thanks to a refugee-led initiative to help women and children recover from complex trauma & 创伤后应激障碍. Refugee TCTSY Community Leaders from Syria and Palestine are working to restore a sense of safety and agency for women and children…


We are pleased to announce that Melanie has been awarded a scholarship to participate in our partnered scholarship program with 威廉詹姆斯学院, 心理咨询硕士. Melanie was recruited from Jamaica and has worked at 发展能力 for 23 years. 她获得了副学士学位。
Jenese Brownhill


我们很激动地宣布,詹内斯·布朗希尔, LICSW, 被选为多元化高级总监的新职位, 股本, 以及JRI的包容. Jenese has extensive experience in leading teams that provide trauma-informed care to juvenile justice-involved youth, 包括导演……
Employee Updates Binh Tran Vice President of Boston 社区bet365体育在线投 and Shawnese Givens Executive Director of JRI健康


Congratulations to Binh Tran for his promotion to Vice President of Boston 社区bet365体育在线投! Binh will be overseeing all community based programs across Boston and will supervise Shawnese Givens, JRI卫生部门新任执行主任. 欢迎Shawnese! Binh拥有……硕士学位。



JRI provides an array of innovative and evidence-based outpatient mental health services throughout Massachusetts, 罗德岛州, 和康涅狄格. 所有JRI的行为健康中心和创伤bet365体育在线投都使用干预…

  • You or someone you know needs trauma Informed Outpatient Behavioral 健康 and Clinical bet365体育在线投.
  • You or someone you know needs a psychiatric/psychological assessment and evaluation.
  • 你或你认识的人需要药物管理.

JRI provides a wide variety of specialized in-home and community-based services throughout Massachusetts. 我们的bet365体育在线投包括重症监护协调, 家庭和门诊治疗, 指导bet365体育在线投, 家庭……

  • 你的孩子/青少年需要以社区为基础的行为健康bet365体育在线投.
  • 您或您的孩子/青少年正在寻找LGBTQIA+支持bet365体育在线投.
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JRI 康涅狄格 is committed to opening doors to opportunity for youth and families who face the complex challenges associated with trauma, 精神疾病, 认知障碍. 在一个保护……

  • You or your child is struggling with symptoms of complex trauma and/or 精神疾病.
  • 你或你的孩子在目前的学习环境中挣扎.
  • 你的孩子/青少年需要以社区为基础的行为健康bet365体育在线投.

JRI 发展能力 collaborates with individuals who have 开发mental disabilities, 他们的家庭, 国家机构和倡导设计, 开发, 以社区为基础, 消费者响应计划…

  • 你或你认识的人有发育障碍.
  • You or someone you know needs supports either in their home or in a staffed home.
  • You or someone you know with a 开发mental disability wants to grow their skills through job…

三十多年来, JRI has opened doors to educational opportunity for youth in our local communities. 在我们的专业学校里, JRI创建了促进健康成长的学术和治疗方案,…

  • 你或你的孩子在目前的学习环境中挣扎.
  • You or your child is struggling with symptoms of complex trauma and/or 精神疾病.
  • You or your child is struggling with peer relationships in your current academic setting.

JRI提供强化寄养bet365体育在线投, 采用支持, 课外支持, and early-childhood training and consultation for families seeking supports around safety, 健康发展, 还有长期的成功……

  • 你有兴趣成为养父母.
  • 你或你的孩子正在寻求寄养.
  • 你或你的孩子对领养感兴趣.

JRI健康 and 住房 works with individuals living with and at risk for HIV and HCV to help provide them with the treatment, 住房, 正义是我们应得的.  我们提供案件管理,租金补贴,法律,和…

  • 你是艾滋病毒感染者或有感染风险的个体,bet365体育在线投不足.
  • You or someone you know who is living with HIV/AIDS needs affordable 住房 and help maintaining…
  • You or someone you know is an LGBTQ+ youth of color in need of tools to make healthy decisions.

JRI offers a range of programs designed to support youth struggling with intensive acute symptoms. 这些项目包括长期密集的住院治疗项目.  JRI仍然站在干预措施的前沿……

  • You or your child is struggling with significant acute symptoms of 精神疾病 or complex trauma…
  • You or your child is in immediate need of a stable and safe living environment while you seek long…
  • 你或你的孩子需要青少年司法系统的支持.



没有问题. 你可以打电话或发邮件给我们,我们会指导你找到合适的资源.

Staff attending the 2023 National Latinx Conference on HIV/HCV/SUD in New Orleans, LA


JRI健康 焦点:
(2023年10月更新) 如需改期或预约,请致电508-935-2960. 如果你在我们营业时间之外打电话, 请留下你的名字, phone number and responsible staff member or service you're looking to speak with. 截至2023年6月30日,我们的疫苗…


JRI健康 焦点:
2022年4月更新 玻璃 is offering in-person HIV/STI testing, treatment, and PrEP for LGBTQ+ youth ages 16-29.  测试预约时间为周一至周五上午10:00至下午3:30. 如需预约,请发短信或致电978-604-6937.  我们现在位于Amory街555号2套房…


住宅 焦点:
佩勒姆学院 is a therapeutic residential school that provides comprehensive treatment and education to adolescent females with emotional and behavioral issues, 精神健康障碍, 以及复杂的创伤史. 我们的使命是在一个支持性的社区中提供个性化的护理……


努力波士顿 is a Workforce Readiness and Development program that provides job training, 训练, 就业bet365体育在线投. We envision a world where everyone has the opportunity to achieve economic self-sufficiency, 尊严, 和一个充满希望的未来. 力求波士顿帮助有障碍的人……


Our foster care program is rooted in the principle that every child deserves to feel safe, 被培养, 为了茁壮成长. Our foster families and staff are committed to maximizing each child's potential within our stable and loving foster homes. 有兴趣成为养父母?  完成……




自2000年1月以来,Rachel一直是JRI团队的成员. 20多年来, Rachel has been working in the field of human services assisting families with accessing and navigating services. Rachel received her Bachelors degree in psychology and Masters Degree in Public Administration from Bridgewater State University. She was promoted in July 2005 to 家庭网络 Program Director where she closely worked with the Department of Children Families for 10 years ensuring that children and families received the highest quality of individualized services ranging from community based through residential care. Rachel is very dedicated to helping the individuals she works with and is committed to improving the lives of children and families. Rachel’s passion for creative service programming inspires her in her role as JRIbet365体育在线投导航器.